back to school

Hello MacArthur Families,

We are counting down the days here at MacArthur until we get to see your wonderful children... Open House is just 13 days away! Please CLICK HERE to view important updates and reminders as we near the beginning of our 24-25 school year.  There is a lot of information within this document, but one immediate need is ensuring you have completed all the steps for attending MacArthur.


This coming Wednesday, 8/21, is the last day to complete school year verification (this is a required step for enrollment and without it, we are unable to actively enroll your child(ren)). Details of how to see whether you have completed this yet are within the above linked document.


In addition, today is the deadline for submitting the Special Transportation Request form if your child will be getting picked up or dropped off at an address that is not your family address (i.e. daycare) listed in Skyward. Without this form, we are unable to go through the approval process to get your child bussing.


Be sure to check out updates toward the end of the document from our PTA (some fun events, directory sign up, and volunteer opportunities are highlighted) and gather information regarding a new program coming to MacArthur, Girls on the Run. 


We look forward to welcoming everyone soon! Continue to enjoy these last weeks of summer!