Order your school supply tool box so that you don’t have to worry about supply shopping this summer. Your school supply box will be delivered to the school - you can pick it up at Open House on August 24th and take it right to the classroom.
If you are interested, you can purchase them now here: MacArthur School Toolbox. Please note the boy/girl option for most grades (due to classrooms only needing certain supplies from about half of the students). Many lists have teacher notes that include important information regarding preferences or required items not in the kit that need to be purchased separately. In addition, there are some optional supplies the teachers have recommended but not required. For a complete list of supplies by grade level, go to Menu >Documents>Back to School 2023-24 on our MacArthur School webpage.
Order today and your scholar's supply box will be waiting for them in the Fall!
Ordering is open until 7/2/23!