School Board Happenings

School Board Meeting February 17, 2025

Superintendent Dr. Chris Reuter provided a District Administrator Update mentioning the state representative visits by Dan Knodl and Paul Melotik to discuss legislature around education, the speaking engagement with Dr. Jen Wimmer, Superintendent of West Bend School District, to all Washington County elected officials regarding the declining birth rate in Washington County, and the survey sent to all parents/families in the School District.  

The Germantown School District Student Representative provided an update on what is happening in our schools. AMY BELLE:  Students celebrated Heart Health Awareness Month by having a NFL Training Week in PE; donated food items to the box of their Super Bowl win pick - all items were donated to a local food pantry; and participated in a trivia night for families. COUNTY LINE: Teams dove into student data through grade-level data meetings to identify areas for targeted instruction. MACARTHUR:  Students attended an all school assembly and learned about this month’s focus word, Honesty. The younger students celebrated 100 days of school. ROCKFIELD:  Students participated in a readathon and a fitness day; 5th grade students are going bowling; and the focus word for the month is honesty.

Amy Belle Elementary School Principal, Lindsey Chandelia, introduced Mr. Burns and three students who shared their experiences surrounding their PE opportunities and NFL training week; Ms. Lewis shared information on a new instructional practice, and the family fun trivia night. 

Food and Nutrition Supervisor Jill Seefeld shared that the Food & Nutrition program is working on incorporating new foods into the menu, scratch-based cooking, and new fruits/veggies; mirroring menus between the schools; making a menu system change; and developing a new configuration and serving lines at KMS. Projects in research: incorporate more farm to school options, herb gardens, school gardens, new student card system for lunch check out, a cooking activity after school, and nutrition education in the classroom. 

School Board President Russ Ewert shared information from the Village of Germantown Planning Commission meeting. 

The following citizens spoke: John Pie regarding a contingency plan for the budget, Sherrill Retlick regarding state statute around student fees

Motion by Barney, second by Brown to approve the Consent Agenda. Dr. Reuter highlighted the donations. Motion carried.

Loth provided an update from the February 10, 2025 Buildings & Grounds Committee meeting mentioning the un-air-conditioned spaces in the elementary schools, the 2024-2025 roofing projects, the security & fire panel upgrades at the elementary schools, and the Rockfield music garden.

The Buildings & Grounds Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the installation of a music garden on the Rockfield Elementary playground, in recognition of Mrs. McConnell, funded by the Rockfield PTA. Motion carried. 

Higgibotham provided an update from the February 10, 2025 Teaching & Learning Committee mentioning the 2024-2025 winter growth data, the Snap-on PMI certification, and the summer school offerings and proposed budget for 2025.  

The Teaching & Learning Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the Summer School Courses and proposed budget for 2025. Additionally, provide approval for the overnight travel for students and advisors to travel to Porcupine Mountain Wilderness State Park In Ontonagon, MI from June 14-18, 2025. Motion carried.

Loth provided an update from the February 17, 2025 Finance Committee meeting mentioning the approval of vouchers, the January variance report, the 2025-2026 facility rental usage fees, the 2025-2026 student fees, the 2025 mileage and meal reimbursement rates, the 2024-2025 CESA contract amendments, the Snap-on PMI certification, the 2024-2025 roofing projects, the security and fire panel upgrades, and the Johnson Controls fire system repairs at GHS. 

The Finance Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the 2025-2026 Facility Use Fee Schedule except for changing elementary cafetoriums in Priority Group 5 to $52 and cafeterias/cafetoriums with kitchen amenities Priority Group 5 to $62. Motion carried.

The Finance Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the 2025-2026 Student Fee Schedule. Motion carried.

The Finance Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the 2025 mileage and meal reimbursement rates of: mileage - .70 cents per mile, breakfast - $12.50, lunch - $12.50, dinner - $20.00. Motion carried. 

The Finance Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the CESA #1 Contract amendments for an increase in vision services provided as of January 31, 2025 in the amount of $1,952.26 and for an additional second semester seat at Ozaukee Community High School in the amount of $7,000, funded out of the IDEA Flow-Through Grant. Motion carried. 

The Finance Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the purchase of Snap-on Precision Measuring Instruments Kits for an amount not to exceed $39,069.22. Motion carried. 

The Finance Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the replacement of GHS roof section E, using Performance Roofing in the amount not to exceed $338,958, and KMS roof section F, using Langer Roofing & Sheet Metal in the amount not to exceed $81,100, funded out of the Fund 41 Capital Improvements budget. Motion carried. 

The Finance Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the replacement of security panels at Amy Belle, County Line, MacArthur, and Rockfield Elementary Schools, using Securitas Technology, in the amount of $15,146.03, funded using the Capital Improvements Fund 41. Motion carried. 

The Finance Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the repairs to the fire alarm system at Germantown High School, performed by Johnson Controls, in the amount of $20,341.95, funded using the General Fund. Motion carried. 

Director of Teaching & Learning Jake Misiak led discussions on the Early College Credit Program and Start College Now applications. Motion by Pawlak, second by Barney to approve the Early Credit College Program and the Start College Now requests as presented. Motion carried. 

Superintendent Dr. Chris Reuter and Board President Mr. Russ Ewert led discussions on the approval of Buelow Vetter as district legal counsel. Motion by Higginbotham, second by Barney to approve Buelow Vetter Buikema Olson Vliet LLC as the Germantown School District’s legal counsel. Motion carried. 

GHS Science Teacher Michelle Griffin-Wenzel led discussions on the overnight travel request for GHS Science. Motion by Loth, second by Brown to approve the discussion by Germantown High School and Educational Tours with parents and students at GHS regarding a science trip to the Galapagos Islands. Motion carried.

Superintendent Dr. Chris Reuter led discussions on the overnight travel request for KMS HOSA. Motion by Barney, second by Higginbotham to approve the overnight travel request for 22 students and 1 advisor to travel to Baraboo, WI from April 6-8, 2025 to attend the HOSA State Leadership Conference 2025. Motion carried.

Superintendent Dr. Chris Reuter led discussions on the overnight travel request for GHS HOSA. Motion by Brown, second by Barney to approve the overnight travel request for 28 students and 2 advisors to travel to Baraboo, WI from April 6-8, 2025 to attend the HOSA State Leadership Conference 2025. Motion carried.

Superintendent Dr. Chris Reuter led discussions on the overnight travel request for GHS SkillsUSA. Motion by Higginbotham, second by Barney to approve the overnight travel request for 18 students and 2 advisors to travel to Madison, WI from April 1-2, 2025 to attend the SkillsUSA State Leadership Conference 2025. Motion carried. 

Superintendent Dr. Chris Reuter led discussions on the overnight travel request for GHS Choir. Motion by Pawlak, second by Higginbotham to approve the overnight travel request for 60 students and 8 advisors to travel from March 1-2, 2025 to attend a choir retreat at Camp Whitcomb Mason in Merton, WI. Motion carried. 

Director of Human Resources Mike Nowak led discussions on Teacher retirements. Motion by Barney, second by Medved to approve the requests for retirement at the conclusion of the 2024-25 school year for Dawn Books Kosanke, Marilynn Czerwinski, Jay Dettlaff, Gina Fricano, Teresa Klumb, Amy Krueser (not eligible for District retirement benefit), Carolyn Solie, Brenda Ripplinger, Heidi Timm, and Lisa Van Zummeren and thank them for their many years of service to our district. Motion carried.

For more information about the Germantown School District Board of Education, please visit our website


Regular School Board Meeting — March 17, 2025